
外文隔層紗看台灣/《BBC》 忽略了台灣的金援外交政策【菱傳媒】

2023-12-20 13:47  作者 / 方恩格

2023年10月16日,英國廣播公司媒體(BBC)在官網上刊出一篇名為《憂慮而孤獨的台灣正在尋找新盟友》的文章。該篇文章由記者傅東飛(Rupert Wingfield-Hayes)撰寫,他在BBC多年來報導亞洲相關新聞,而有著豐富經驗。












On October 16, 2023, the BBC website published an article titled “A spooked and lonely Taiwan looks for new friends”. The article was authored by reporter Ruper Wingfield-Hayes, who has many years of experience reporting on Asia for the BBC.

A caption below a photo of President Tsai Ing-wen said she will “step down in January”. Actually, the presidential election is in January, but President Tsai steps down on May 20 when the new president is inaugurated. Unfortunately, the BBC is not the only media to make this mistake, but this kind of mistake is inexcusable. The BBC later revised the photo caption to say President Tsai will “step down next year”. For whatever reason, the BBC refuses to write the actual date of May 20.

The focus of this article is on the difficulty Taiwan has in maintaining diplomatic relationships given China’s growing power, and Taiwan is in “desperate need of new allies.” The article explains that “China's cheque book is bigger than Taiwan's - and its economy vastly more important.”.

As an example of a new friend for Taiwan, the article discusses Taiwan’s relationship with Lithuania, and explains that “the most fertile ground for making new friends is in the young democracies of Eastern Europe”.

What this article fails to explain is that Taiwan’s relationship with Lithuania is also based on a form of chequebook diplomacy. 

Taiwan has pledged to invest USD200,000,000 in Lithuania’s technology industry, and committed to provide a USD1,000,000,000 “credit fund” for Taiwan companies doing business in central and eastern Europe, including Lithuania. In addition, Taiwan has paid for members of Lithuania’s parliament to visit Taiwan.

Although the BBC article notes that “Taipei has even announced a $10m investment in Lithuania in the most prized Taiwanese product – chips”, the article fails to provide the background as to why Taiwan made this investment, and omits the size of Taiwan’s financial commitment to Lithuania. The article claims that imports of Lithuanian rum “have soared in Taiwan in the last few years”, but omits the controversial role of Taiwan’s state owned enterprises when they purchased Lithuanian rum that China changed its mind about buying.

A better article would accurately explain Taiwan’s financial commitments to Lithuania, analyze whether Taiwan has satisfied the financial commitment to Lithuania, and explain that this is also a form of chequebook diplomacy.

In fact, as reported by Lithuanian National Radio and Television (立陶宛國家廣播電視台) on October 24, 2022, Taiwan’s “promised investments are slow to come” to Lithuania.

About the Author

Ross Feingold previously served as Republicans Abroad Asia Chairman, and he has resided in Hong Kong, Singapore. His love for Taiwan led him to become a permanent resident. Ross strongly believes foreign language commentary about Taiwan should be fair and objective, and no matter how well-intentioned, it is harmful to Taiwan when such materials lack context, or are factually inaccurate.

The “On Foreign Language Materials About Taiwan” column explores foreign language materials about Taiwan and provides feedback on their content.  Email tips or feedback about this column to: rossmedia2018@gmail.com




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